Improving cash management offers businesses value creating opportunities, and Smart Safes are a powerful tool in enacting efficient cost saving processes.
Cash shrink, in all its forms, cost retailers approximately 1.3% of the value of their sales in 2017. 32% of shrink was due to employee theft or internal issues. Another 19% stems from administrative and paperwork errors.
All of these issues can be combated by Smart Safes and the cash management advances they provide.
Smart Safes create real time visibility into cash assets across a business. As such, you can create accountability among your workforce.
Modern solutions can track transaction data and cash assets in concert with one another, making each employee accountable at all times. Reducing cash shrink is essential in maximizing revenue opportunity.
Solutions like Smart Safes create the blend of transparency and accountability necessary to find success.
Contact Superior Press today to learn more about Smart Safes and what they can do for your business.