Making the Best Superior

    We believe in creating the best treasury management experiences, for you, your clients, and our partners.

    Navy Curve
    Trauts 2024
    Our Team

    Why Superior?

    We deliver. No matter the ask, our goal is to deliver a product or solution that beats all expectations.

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    Our Vision & Core Values

    Discover what drives us and how we put our clients and community first.

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    Our Story

    It started with one man’s dream that over time has turned into a family legacy.

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    Explore our diverse leaders and what drives them to inspire our teams.

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    Company Culture & Client Focus

    Superior achieves outstanding results by fostering an environment that empowers employees and encourages teamwork, while taking personal responsibility for the company’s success.

    “We are committed to delighting our clients, and the way you delight your clients is to have happy employees who respect each other, have integrity, and who do the right thing.”

    Robert F. Traut
    Chairman/Chief Executive Officer

    Our community

    We Believe in Community

    Aristotle said it best: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Discover how we come together to foster our community to benefit not just us, but those around us.

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    Green curve
    Contact us

    Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you reach your goals